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Google Celebrates Jordan Independence Day

Today, Google celebrates Jordan’s Independence Day on the Jordanian Google domain . The day marks the abolishment of the British mandate over what was then known as Transjordan and their

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افتراضي Google Celebrates Jordan Independence Day

Today, Google Celebrates Jordan’s Independence Day on the Jordanian Google domain www.google.com.jo. The day marks the abolishment of the British mandate over what was then known as Transjordan and their subsequent independence, sovereignty and proclamation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Google Celebrates Jordan Independence Day

On the 25th of May in 1946, the United Nations approved the end of the British Mandate over the Transjordan region and recognized it as an independent and sovereign kingdom.The Transjordanian Parliament proclaimed King Abudullah as the first King with the country’s name being later changed to “the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan”.

The area occupied by modern-day Jordan - including Palestine - was taken by the British from the Ottoman Turkish empire in World War I. Transjordan was separated from Palestine in 1920 and placed under the rule of Abdullah Ibn Hussein in 1921. The country was recognized as an independent country by the British in 1923, making it subject to British mandate.

مواضيع ذات صله

تحتفل Google اليوم بعيد إستقلال المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية 25 مايو
عيد الاستقلال الأردني , 25/5 Jordan independence day
صور الشعار الرسمي لعيد استقلال الاردن ال 68
نص وثيقة استقلال الأردن يوم السبت 23 جمادى الآخرة سنة 1365 - 25 أيار سنة 1946 ميلادي
صور عيد إستقلال الأردن ال 68 مسيرة عطاء يفتخر بها اليوم 25 ايار 2014

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اكلات نباتية صحية غنية بالبروتين فوائد النظام الغذائي النباتي

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Google Celebrates Jordan Independence Day

الساعة معتمدة بتوقيت جرينتش +3 . الساعة الآن » 13:23.
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