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Oscam Auto Update Script

11/04/2011 Oscam Auto Update Script on Dreambox and other linux recivers with this script you can autoupdate the lastest oscam version Oscam is an open-source project and

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افتراضي Oscam Auto Update Script


Oscam Auto Update Script on Dreambox and other linux recivers

with this Script you can autoupdate the lastest Oscam version

Oscam is an open-source project and the developers constantly Update the SVN. I have some Dreamboxes at home and I like to have my Oscam up to date so I created a Script for dreambox that downloads the latest binaries from UMP FileCenter and updates my oscam. I run this Script every day at 5:00 AM using cronjobs. Here is the Script for Dreambox 800HD (should work on all enigma 2 dreamboxes). If your Oscam Script is not “/usr/script/oscam.emu” then you have to adapt the start and stop commands to your own box. Download this Script and upload it to the “/usr/script” folder on dreambox and set the permissions to 755. To execute the Update just telnet to the box and execute the command “sh /usr/script/oscam-update.sh“. Alternatively you can set a cronjob to execute the Script at a given time (ie: everyday at 5:00 AM) which really make the process completely automatic.

Enjoy it!

مقالات ممكن أن تعجبك :
المصدر: الإبداع الفضائي - من قسم: Dreambox Emus

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip oscam-update.zip‏ (969 بايت, المشاهدات 215)

من مواضيعى في فضائيات New Extra Url EDG-Nemesis 17/02/2012

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Oscam Auto Update Script

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