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معلومات عامة ، حدث في مثل هذا اليوم احداث اليوم , احتفال جوجل , السيرة الذاتية , ويكيبيديا , معلومات عن الطب , الصحة , الطبخ , التداوي بالاعشاب , العناية بالبشرة , ماسك تنيض , شخصيات مهمة

Who is Liam Neeson, Biography Liam Neeson Wikipedia

Liam Neeson (in English: Liam Neeson) Irish representative was born June 7, 1952. Like a lot of high-profile films and winning a lot of awards such as Schindler's List the

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افتراضي Who is Liam Neeson, Biography Liam Neeson Wikipedia

Liam Neeson (in English: Liam Neeson) Irish representative was born June 7, 1952. Like a lot of high-profile films and winning a lot of awards such as Schindler's List the role of Oscar Schindler and Star Wars and Batman and taken ((Taken)) and the unknown ((Unknown)) and Taken 2 (movie, 2012). Oscar-nominated for Best Lead Actor in the film Schindler's List and was also nominated for many of the Golden Globe. It was noted the intention of British actor Liam Neeson intention to convert to Islam, and after that influenced voice software during filming in Turkish city of Istanbul. Which denied later, announced that he is still a practitioner of Catholicism. [1] He explained that Neeson sixty-year-old boat that affected voice software during the filming Taken 2 in Istanbul. [2]

Born Liam John Neeson name
Birth June 7, 1952 (age 62 years)
Ballymena, Northern Ireland
Wife Natasha Richardson (1963-2009

من مواضيعى في فضائيات رسائل تهديد للخائن قوية بعد تعرضك للخيانة
تهنئة عيد الفطر رسمية تهنئة عيد الفطر لزوجي عيدًا سعيدًا ومباركًا
تصبحين على خير حبيبتى رومنسيات تصبحين على خير يا غالية
مبروك المولود الف مبروك المولود ويتربي بعزكم
بوستات عن أصدقاء المصلحة امثال وحكم عن نفاق وخداع الأصدقاء
دعاء يشرح القلب دعاء يزيل الهم والخوف يجلب الرزق

Who is Liam Neeson, Biography Liam Neeson Wikipedia

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الساعة معتمدة بتوقيت جرينتش +3 . الساعة الآن » 17:15.
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