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Avira Free Android Security 1.2

Avira Free Android Security 1.2 مع افضل برامج الحماية على الاطلاق Avira Free Android Security sets the focus on the mobile device anti-theft-protection. With this new Android

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افتراضي Avira Free Android Security 1.2

Avira Free Android Security 1.2

مع افضل برامج الحماية على الاطلاق

Avira Free Android Security sets the focus on the mobile device anti-theft-protection. With this new Android product, Avira intends to protect all users that would like to have the ultimate protection for their mobile as well as for their private data on the device. The protection app will help the user step by step to fnd his mobile device in case of a loss or theft. If the device has been stolen, the user has the possibility to block the use of the device and stop the access to private data. Avira Free Android Security consists of two parts: Avira Android Security App (on the device). Needs to be downloaded from the Google Market and installed on the device. Afterwards a device registration is required. Avira Android Web Console with an assigned account the Web Console offers the possibility to remotely execute certain actions on the registered mobile. On the Web Console, any user can have a maximum of 5 Android devices managed using his own account.

Avira Free Android Security 1.2

Avira Free Android Security 1.2

Avira Free Android Security 1.2

صفحة البرنامج

توافق البرنامج

Supported Platforms: Android 2.2, 2.3.x, 4.0.X and 4.1.X.
Supported Devices: Avira Free Android Security is supported on HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung smartphones with normal, large and extra large screens

حجم البرنامج

Size: 1.82 MB

البرنامـــج مجانـــــــى


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موضوع حول البيئة مقدمة و خاتمة , علاقة البشر بالبيئة
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طريقة عمل عيش السرايا طريقة عمل عيش السرايا بالنسكافية
اكلات نباتية صحية غنية بالبروتين فوائد النظام الغذائي النباتي

الكلمات الدلالية
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Avira Free Android Security 1.2

الساعة معتمدة بتوقيت جرينتش +3 . الساعة الآن » 04:35.
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