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The death of Nelson Mandela for 95 years after the struggle with the disease

The death of the leader of the African Nelson Mandela for 95 years after the struggle with the disease Declared president Jacob Zuma of South Africa

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افتراضي The death of Nelson Mandela for 95 years after the struggle with the disease

The death of the leader of the African Nelson Mandela for 95 years after the struggle with the disease

The death of Nelson Mandela for 95 years after the struggle with the disease

Declared president Jacob Zuma of South Africa that the leader of the liberation movement against racial discrimination, former South African President Nelson Mandela has Roulihallaghala died Thursday evening at the age of 95 years after a long struggle with the disease.

Zuma said in a televised speech to the people in South Africa that the death occurred in the eighth minute and 50 pm local time , and Mandela was surrounded by members of his family, the time of death .

Mandela was born July 18, 1918 the father was a leader of the tribes of South Africa , and studied law before they engage in the struggle against minority domination of European assets to his country , and served as head of the armed wing of the African National Congress ( Congress ) of the anti- apartheid regime , which was known as the " apartheid " Apartheid , prompting the government of racism in South Africa in 1962 to imprisonment for a period of 27 years , before being released to international pressures, in 1990, to become later the first African-American president of South Africa during the period from 1994 to 1999 .

During his long life he married Mandela 3 times and Rizk 6 sons and 17 grandchildren and a greater number of great-grandchildren , and exposure during the last year of a series of health crises , including pneumonia and kidney stones in the gallbladder , forcing him to spend long periods in the hospital for treatment until he passed away yesterday evening .

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The death of Nelson Mandela for 95 years after the struggle with the disease

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The death of Nelson Mandela for 95 years after the struggle with the disease

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الساعة معتمدة بتوقيت جرينتش +3 . الساعة الآن » 22:34.
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